Cuenca, Ecuador

Cuenca, Ecuador

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Returning to the US

Returning to the US

I am typing this on Tuesday, March 10, 2015.   At six this morning, Tom caught a cab to the Cuenca airport (CUE) for a 7:20 flight to Guayaquil (GYE)  He will spend the night in GYE, and then catch an early morning flight from GYE to Miami tomorrow.   Oddly, the flight schedules within Ecuador rarely make it convenient to catch international flights.  Most likely, you will have to spend the night in either GYE or Quito (UIO)  From Miami, he flies to Charlotte, North Carolina.  

He is meeting up with his siblings to wrap up his late mother’s estate.  He is scheduled to return to GYE on the 18th.  He will spend the night in GYE again, then he has hired a drive to bring him over the mountains into Cuenca – the exact same plan we used when we moved here.

We had four more footlockers full of stuff at his mother’s house.  Those lockers contain my KitchenAid stand mixer, Miele vacuum cleaner, high end cookware, photos and other items that weren’t immediately needed here in Ecuador. The idea was that we would bring these lockers back to Ecuador on a future trip.  We just didn’t plan on the “future trip” to be so close to our arrival in Ecuador.  Since we’ve arrived in Ecuador, we’ve been compiling a list of things for Tom to bring back to Cuenca.  Not a whole lot – we’ll go over that list later.

Way back when – when we bought our tickets to move to Ecuador – we had to buy roundtrip tickets.  Unless you are a resident, Ecuador wants to see a return ticket or just a ticket OUT of Ecuador.  The return portion of our tickets is for early June – the latest we could book.  We knew we weren’t going to return home in June; therefore, we’ll pay the $200@ change fee, and go back to the US at another time.  We’ve just started thinking about a return trip to use the tickets.  Of course, we’ll have to buy one way tickets back to Ecuador.  We may go back for the holidays.  We’ll have to start planning that return trip soon.

OK, so what is on Tom’s list of items to bring back from the first trip home?  Mostly small items: more snacks for Sonny Bunny, Spot Shot (stain remover), rechargeable flashlights, good extension cords (with flat plug heads) some toiletry items, and duty-free alcohol and cologne.

AN UPDATE:  Tom's trip went well, despite having to handle 4 footlockers, 1 large luggage piece, and his carry-ons all by himself.  Everything made it to GYE with no problems.   Like the first trip, TSA went through each of the footlockers.  He scooted through GYE Customs and Immigration with no questions.  Jorge Lopez drove him to Cuenca the next day.

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